A Letter to the Underclassmen

Photo by: courtesy photo

Upper School students cheer on their Lady Mustangs at the volleyball teams home opener versus Lucas Christian.

Lauren Rose, Editor in Chief

Dear Classes of 2021, 2022, and 2023,

As one in the class of 2020, I want to say how much I appreciate your kind thoughts, words, and prayers to each of us as we are struggling to grip the reality of our future at MCA. I wanted to take some time to leave you with some thoughts and words since I won’t be able to see each of you at school again. First, I want to personally thank you. Thank you for every smile during passing period, every “how are you,” every “good game last night,” and every item purchased from the Econ Fair. The countless encouraging words and actions each of you have shown to me and the senior class, prove how much you guys truly care for those around you, and there will never be enough thank you’s to express my gratitude. Now you probably think I’m going to say “don’t take high school for granted” or “cherish the time with your friends,” and in all honesty you are right. I will say to you enjoy these moments shared with friends. Take in each day as if there won’t be tomorrow. Become more spirited at football games, dress up to the theme and lose your voice at the volleyball games, laugh a little more during the school day. Take in all those special times and be fully present because you will want those memories and good feelings to carry with you as grow throughout Upper School and beyond. And yes, those words may sound “cliche” but they have never more true for me.

As I reflect on my time at MCA, I think about how I used my time and how I could encourage you to live high school to the fullest. Looking back there are so many “I wish…” or “What if…” moments and I don’t want you to leave MCA like that. I want to challenge you to go to as many football games as you can, go to the basketball games to cheer on your friends, cheer on your Lady Mustangs in the SLC every chance you get because those experiences could be some of the most fun and memorable times in high school. While reflecting, I remember the stress and hard work that came with keeping up with my studies because those things come with being a student. But I mostly remember the memories I made by being with the people I love. I know I sound so cliche, and you will probably hear it many times more as you grow through high school. But in all seriousness, I encourage and challenge you to take captive of all the moments you can while you have the chance because you never know when those events and celebrations that were “promised” will be taken from you. My hope and prayer is that you leave high school with no regrets. Be present in the moments that you have and reminisce when you have the opportunity, you won’t get these moments back. I hope that my words encouraged you to reach out to people you wouldn’t necessarily talk to, gave you a new perspective on your view of high school, or simply just gave you something to think on. I hope the class of 2020 has left you and MCA with a legacy built on resilience and leadership found in Jesus.  I am so thankful for the time that I shared with you all and I will never forget the memories I have gotten to share with you as well.