On Friday, November 22, the Lower School students celebrated Grandparents Day. The students started the day by singing songs to their grandparents and parents. Each grade sang two different songs. The kids sang many patriotic songs, including “God Bless America”, “This Land Is Your Land”, and “Star Spangled Banner”. Each grade level sang a song from the musical “Amerikids” as well. All the kids made grateful pumpkins to give to their grandparents. On these pumpkins, the students wrote different things they were thankful for. They also made paper snowflakes to give to them. Lower School music teacher Mrs. Caruth shared her thoughts, saying, ” The kids worked very hard on these songs, and they did great. It was very fun to be able to teach them because they were so enthusiastic.” After the performance, the kids were able to go shopping with their friends and family at the econ fair.”