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MCA School News written by the Newspaper Class.

The Mane Edition

MCA School News written by the Newspaper Class.

The Mane Edition

MCA School News written by the Newspaper Class.

The Mane Edition

Bri Northam

Bri Northam, staff writer

Bri Northam is a senior and has been at MCA since her sophomore year. This is her first year in newspaper. She attends City Church Melissa for Sunday services and is involved in youth group at Parkway Hills Baptist Church. She is looking forward to growing closer to God and her class this year. In her free time she likes to hangout with friends, go for walks, and explore new places. Her favorite Bible verse is Matthew 6:27.

"Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life[e]?"

All content by Bri Northam