Teen CERT is a class focused on teaching first aid, important emergency skills, and leadership to students who have a desire to help others and be prepared.
Photo by: Allie Smith
The Teen CERT class gathers in front of a visiting fire truck for a picture. Firemen and paramedics from Station 2 visited MCA to teach the Teen CERT class emergency first aid and how to properly care for the injured.
February 26, 2019
Teen CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) is one of the new elective classes this semester. Before winter break, when Mr. Michael Tucker unveiled the new class he’d be leading, he expected just a few students to enroll. To his surprise, 15 students jumped in on the new opportunity. Teen CERT is a hands-on class where important emergency precautions and life skills are practiced and studied. Guest speakers including Randall Gurney, the Assistant Emergency Management Coordinator for the city of McKinney, and Captain Watson of McKinney Fire Station 2, often come through to teach the class special instruction courses. Students look forward to having visiting speakers and hands-on activities because they get to wear jeans during special instruction. Teen Cert student, junior Ethan Tucker, agreed to share his opinions of the class that he is so passionate about. Ethan enrolled in Teen CERT because he has an interest in learning emergency procedures and first aid that he may be able to utilize in the future. Above all, he enjoys learning emergency procedures and having the piece of mind that if a dire situation arose, he’d potentially be able to save a life.

Sophomores Aaron McGinn and Connor Hastcoat follow a procedure to control bleeding in the arm.

A few sophomores listen to P. Zurek as he explains how to properly care for an injured person.

The class is taught by Station 2 on how to gently place an injured person onto a backboard.