Juliana Roller, Editor-in-Chief
Juliana Roller was born in Houston, Texas, but moved to the wonderful, growing city of McKinney in May 2003 and has been here ever since. She started attending McKinney Christian in fall 2006 as a kindergartener and is now a senior. This is her 13th year at MCA and her fourth year on the newspaper staff. She is eager to finally be the Editor-in-Chief of the newspaper this year. She participates in cross country, soccer, track, and is a student council representative. On the weekends she spends time helping out the community like the role model citizen that she is. When she asked her friends to describe her they said, “the perfect student.” She has a passion for correcting other people’s grammar and making bad jokes. Also if you ever see her, be sure to ask her about her ginger family.
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9